•   sugestii [at] ctpcj.ro
  •   0264-430917
  •   ANPC

Terms and conditions

The terms and conditions of using the website www.ctpcj.ro are applicable to all users. We request you to read with attention the terms and conditions of use of this website, presented further.Both the access and visitation of this website by you is done by respecting the Terms and Conditions of use and implies your clear acceptance regarding these and implies the entire understanding (contract) between parts.

  1. Information about the website

The Public Transport Company Cluj-Napoca S.A (further named CTP) with its headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, B-dul. 21st December 1989, no. 128-130, registered at the Trade Register with the number J12/66/1991, C.I.F. RO 201195, has the quality of author, owner and administrator of the website www.ctpcj.ro. www.ctpcj.ro is the official website of CTP and has the objective to assure a greater transparency and a better understanding of CTP's activity. www.ctpcj.ro presents information regarding CTP and the current activity of the company.

  2. Intellectual Property

Both the content and the design of www.ctpcj.ro, together with the data base accessed through its help are CTP's property which is the creator of the website.

a) All the information published on the site by CTP (including, but without limitation to the data of the company, operating services on calendar dates, routes, lines, data for route design, stops features, stationary time within stops, details about movement between stops, articles, information, photos, audio files, banners) are protected by the incident legal dispositions: Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, Law no. 8/1996 on trademarks and geographical indications and Law no. 129/1992 on protection of designs and models, holders of the protected rights by law being CTP or, according to case, its suppliers of information.

b) It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, recompile, decompile, distribute, publish, display, modify, creation of components, products or services completely derived, and also any means of exploitation of the site's content, with the exception of display on the screen of a personal computer and printing or downloading, for personal and non-commercial purpose, of certain documents or information explicitly assigned for this purpose, with the condition of keeping unchanged all the elements that relate to intellectual property rights, other property rights and conditions of use for the documents or respective information.

c) Taking over information by publications or, according to case, websites can only be done in accordance with the terms agreed by CTP "taking over without costs of press materials can be done only within the limit of 500 signs, but without exceeding half of the article or news in question, thus ensuring free flow of information, and also the character of 'press review' sustained by the web pages in question. In a mandatory way, in these cases, you must cite the information source. Taking over more than what was previously set up can be done only in the conditions of an agreement, financial or of other nature, closed with the right holder".
The websites that overtake information from the website www.ctpcj.ro will cite the information source with a link towards the website, as it follows:
- In the news' text, citation will be done as it follows: in the first paragraph shall be expressly mentioned that the information source is CTP (eg: "according to CTP", "CTP informs" or any other equivalent form) and in the last paragraph of the news shall be mentioned "Integrally on www.ctpcjro" (or any other equivalent form), with link towards www.ctpcj.ro.

d) In the situation in which the user notices that a material published on the website www.ctpcj.ro infringes copyright or any other rights, it is asked to notify this in a message sent to CTP.

e) CTP, CTP's logo and www.ctpcj.ro belong to the Public Transport Company CLUJ-NAPOCA SA, none of them being able to be used without its written consent.

  3. Changes of website content and of the Terms and conditions of use

CTP, having the quality of author/owner/administrator of the website www.ctpcj.ro reserves its right to modify and update at any moment the respective information encountered on this website, and also the Terms and conditions of use, without any anticipated notification. For this reason, please visit this page periodically to review the terms and conditions you have agreed to follow. Continuing to use the website after the modifications were made implies total acceptance of these changes.

  4. Navigation and Responsibilities

Navigation on the website www.ctpcj.ro is not conditional. Your registration to the Newsletter service requires providing a valid email address.

The user utilizes the website www.ctpcj.ro at its own risk. CTP is not responsible for direct or indirect damages and especially for material damages, loss of data or program, financial losses, resulting from the access or use of this website. The contained information is presented without any warranty, of any nature.

The information regarding timetables, services and their prices are corresponding at the moment of their elaboration or of the several page updates of the website; these are provided only with an informational title and therefore are not and must not be considered as a contractual offer of the products and services offered by CTP. Errors or omissions can appear.

The administrator does not assume any responsibility for the situation in which some information is provided with delay, loss, deleted or can not be accessed on our servers for any reasons. Also it does not assume any responsibility for the repercussions that may arise from the loss, delay, or inaccuracy of the information published on the website.

Users can utilize the information from the website on their own responsibility, and in the situation of a damage generated from the use of services and information provided, the users admit that CTP will be exempt from any liability. The information presented:
- is only of general nature;
- is not mandatory all-encompassing, complete, correct or updated;
- can have web connections (links) to others websites over the content from which CTP holds no form of control and for which can not take any responsibility.

CTP holds its right to limit users' access for a part or the entire content of www.ctpcj.ro.

  5. Private Life and collected information

www.ctpcj.ro respect the valid Romanian legislation, more precisely the Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of these data, modified and completed, and the Law no. 506/2004, law regarding processing of personal data and private life protection in the area of electronic communication.

In the situation of notifications of data or requests, the data presented by you are important for the compliance of legal provisions in this area. Anonymous notifications are not taken into consideration, being automatically ranked. Also, data are important for informing users with regard to the latest news published, information about contests or participation to promotional campaigns carried out by CTP.

In the moment you transmit your information, we assure you that we will make every effort to guaranty their security in our own systems, according to the standards imposed by the Romanian legislation in force.

CTP will not disclose any kind of personally identifiable information about its users to third parties without first receiving the categorical consent of users in this regard. In the same time, when the law expressly stipulates it, CTP can reveal personally identifiable information, when it is requested by a competent authority or when this is necessary to protect the rights and interests of CTP. In conclusion, when you access www.ctpcj.ro and you are asked to disclose information, you will provide these information only to CTP, with the exemption of the situation in which the service or the information is offered in partnership with another website or another service.

According to the Law no. 677/2001, you benefit of right access, intervention over data, right to not be submitted to an individual decision and right to address to the court. In the same time, you have the right to oppose towards processing of personal data and request their removal. For exercising these rights, you can address a written request , dated and signed, at CTP's headquarters.

  6. Unsolicited commercial messages

www.ctpcj.ro gives the possibility to subscribe to our newsletter by introducing your email address.Also, you have the possibility to unsubscribe at any moment from this service, both through a link from every email sent, an well as from the page www.ctpcj.ro. For any issues related to the messages sent by www.ctpcj.ro, please send an email to sugestii [at] ctpcj.ro and we will try to seek a solution to the issue as soon as possible.

  7. Advertising and the content provided by other parts

Some parts of the published content on www.ctpcj.ro may be provided by third institutions / persons with which CTP has contractual relationships in this direction. Also, inside www.ctpcj.ro can be included advertising areas in which advertising messages of some third persons will be uploaded. www.ctpcj.ro is not responsible in any way on the content delivered by third parties, whether it is related to advertise or not. Also, www.ctpcj.ro can not be held responsible for the content of the external pages to which references are made from within. In the moment when you access these external website, you find yourself by default outside the website www.ctpcj.ro and you have the duty to comply with the terms and conditions of use of the websites accessed.

These provisions are in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force. Violation of the clauses of this document represent a violation of CTP's rights and can draw civil liability, contravention, or where appropriate, criminal liability of the person at fault. The conflicts that may appear related to the terms of use belonging to the website will be directed towards solving in the courts of law.
Hits: 7912

CTP Cluj-Napoca

Public Transport Company S.A Cluj-Napoca is subordinated to Cluj-Napoca's City Hall Municipality.The Company provides services to the population, and its main activity is passenger transportation in Cluj-Napoca Municipality and the Metropolitan area.


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B-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 Nr. 128-130, 400604
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj


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