•   sugestii [at] ctpcj.ro
  •   0264-430917
  •   ANPC
Security Politics Regarding Processing of Personal Data

In accordance with the provisions of the law 677/2001 on the protection of individuals regarding processing of personal data and free movement of data with the subsequent amendments and completions, The Public Transport Company Cluj-Napoca SA processes data with personal character, respecting the principles mentioned further, for legitimate purposes.

Informing note regarding personal data protection
Informing note regarding video data protection

  1. The principles of processing personal data

Notification: The data operator for personal data is notified at the National Authority of Surveillance for Processing Personal Data.
Legality: Personal data is processed in good faith and in accordance with the legal provisions in force.
Well determined purpose: Personal data is collected only with well determined purposes, explicit and legitimate, adequate, relevant and non excessive through reporting to the purpose in which it was collected and afterwards processed.
Confidentiality: The information is processed and used according to confidentiality politics of personal data, the information being used only for the purpose for which it is collected.
The consent of the targeted person: Personal data is processed in accordance with the rights of the targeted persons provided by the Law 677/2001, with modifications and subsequent completions.
Informing: The person is informed by the institution which processes the personal data of the targeted person.
Storage: Personal data is not stored for a period longer than necessary for realizing the purposes for which they were collected.
Protection of targeted persons: The targeted persons have access right to the data which is processed, to intervene on them, to oppose and not to be subject to an individual decision, and also the right to address to the National Authority of Surveillance for Processing Personal Data and to the courts of law for defending any rights guaranteed by law, which have been violated.
Security: Technical and organizing measures for security of personal data are established in order to ensure an adequate level of security of processed personal data, with regards to accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modification, disclosure or unauthorized access.

  2. The rights of the targeted person (regulated by Law 677/2001 with modifications and subsequent completions)

- The right to obtain by request and freely for a solicitation per year, confirmation of the fact that the data is processed or not;
- The right to obtain by request and freely the rectification, updating, blocking or deleting of data for which the processing is not in accordance with the provisions of the Law no 677/2001, especially for incomplete or inexact data;
- The right to oppose at any moment, from legal compelling grounds, that the data be the object of a processing, with the exception of the cases in which there are contrary legal provisions;
- The right to address to court for defending any rights guaranteed by Law 677/2001;
- The right to address to the National Authority of Surveillance for Processing Personal Data.

  3. Security of personal data

The Public Transport Company Cluj-Napoca SA certificates the fact that it fulfils the minimum security requirements of personal data and it submits to the following general rules regarding processing of personal data:

- uses methods and security technologies,together with applied politics to employees and working procedures, in order to protect the collected personal data;
- job descriptions and employment contracts of employees who process personal data include confidentiality clause;
- the company's personnel is trained with regards to security and confidentiality of personal data which are processed;
- the access to the computers which contain the database with personal data is restricted by account/user and password;
- the access to the database is permitted only by the persons authorized in this sense.

Hits: 7072

CTP Cluj-Napoca

Public Transport Company S.A Cluj-Napoca is subordinated to Cluj-Napoca's City Hall Municipality.The Company provides services to the population, and its main activity is passenger transportation in Cluj-Napoca Municipality and the Metropolitan area.


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B-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 Nr. 128-130, 400604
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj


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